23rd & 24th of June
Nit del Foc – Fiestas of Sant Joan in Mallorca
Everywhere is music and dancing, there will be barbecues with the whole family and friends on the beach and very often as well with fireworks. You sit around the campfires and everywhere the beaches are lit with candles and torches. It is an old tradition to go swimming at midnight in the sea, this should preserve health. One of the wildest celebrations takes place in Palma in the Parc de la Mar and at the Playa de Palma. During the whole day there will be a lot of attractions and activities, with programs ranging from drum lessons, fireworks with the Dimonis (devil) and folklore dances, up to show cooking and much more. Every year, this Fiesta attracts thousands of visitors.
The official opening of the Nit de Foc, the Night of Fire, begins with the Correfoc, the firewalking. The Mallorcans dressed as devils walk through the streets with burning torches, accompanied by the spectacle of drums. This is the legendary dance of the fire devil, the actual highlight of the festival. The devils walk between the many curious spectators who try to avoid the flying sparks, or the people dance to the rhythm of the drums with the devils in the shower of the sparks. Small fires are lit throughout the park and the smoke slowly envelops the city … an adventurous spectacle. According to ancient tradition, the custom is to banish the evil spirits and demons that could bring bad luck. At midnight everyone runs into the sea to forget the past year and to make a wish for the coming year.
Charter a sailing yacht or catamaran, experience the unique feeling of freedom and adventure. Dolphin Boats awaits you with a large selection of private yachts, look forward to great weekly programs or explore Mallorca‘s beautiful bays and small villages on a day trip. Immerse yourself in the Mallorcan life!
We wish you a great time in Mallorca!